It doesn't do the actual update until the implicit transaction is committed, however, using the commit() method on the ObjectContainer. 但是,在使用ObjectContainer上的commit()方法提交显式事务之前,它不会进行实际更新。
EJB components are popular because of the implicit support for transaction management and security. EJB组件由于隐式支持事务管理和安全性,因此非常受欢迎。
Consistency means that the transaction represents a correct transformation of the application state& that any integrity constraints implicit in the application are not violated by the transaction. 一致性意味着事务代表应用程序状态的正确转换&即事务不能违反应用程序中固有的任何完整性限制。
Auto-commit mode means that every query that you run has its own implicit transaction, if the database supports it, or no transaction if the database doesn't support transactions. 自动提交模式意味着,如果数据库支持事务,那么您所运行的每一个查询都有它自己的隐式事务,如果数据库不支持事务,每个查询就没有这样的事务。
The Research on the Active Portfolio Decision Model with Implicit Transaction Costs 考虑冲击成本的积极投资组合决策模型研究
This is true whether the statement firing the trigger is in an implicit or explicit transaction. 不管激发触发器的语句在隐式事务中还是显式事务中,都会这样。